== Airspace Visualization Display (AViD) == AViD is an all-purpose surveillance data viewer which handles Long and Short-Range Radar, MLAT, Radar Asterix, ECGP, and ADSB feeds. AVID provides 4 different applications to view live data: a RAPPI display, a message list facility, a message dissector, and a data recorder. AVID's display application handles provides real-time plotting of targets and static messages over multiple map / image background layers. AVID is in use at Terminal sites and OSF's around the country. === User Guides === [[http://wiki.jvncomm.com/attachment/wiki/AVID/AViD_user_guide.pdf | Volume 1: Operation and Maintenance Manual AViD Version 3.1.2 ]] === Releases === TBD === Programs === === Issues === '''Report an Issue with AVID''' [/newticket?component=avid] [query:status=new|assigned|reopened&component=avid Active tickets against AVID] [[br]] Quick List of AVID open tickets [[TicketQuery(status=new|assigned|reopened&component=avid,format=table,col=status|summary|owner|reporter)]]