=== esar2sdrr === Extracts the non-radar messages from ERAM SAR and dumps SDRR message file to stdout {{{ Usage: esar2sdrr -f fdswac.xml sarfile[s] [ options ] Creates sdrr msg file from ERAM SAR -f fdswac.xml file for national release that recorded the ERAM SAR -S starttime -E endtime -y filter out confirms -z filter out TZ msgs -p convert picks to CIDs -r dump rcu info in ccumsgs (for sdrr to gsgt) -l dump live ssrv msgs only }}} example: {{{ esar2sdrr -p -f ../SAR/fdswac.xml* `cat sar_list` > main.out }}} {{{ notes: -p option replaces trackball picks with CID (later converted to ACID by sdrr2atc) -h (obsolete as of 7-14-2011) host option is for pre-eab1* SAR to determine sender/receiver (host should be lowercase local center) }}}