== srv2rm == Converts SDRR .srv radar files to ATCoach radar hex format {{{ Usage: srv2rm [-c] [-d dir] [-o outfile] [-S starttime] [-i] [radar] [radar] convert list of surveillance files to an ATCoach RM file. default output file is "rm.txt" must be run from gsgt scenario dir. all .srv files are asumed to be in the current directory, unless the -d option is used. all filenames are assumed to be lower case. if no radars are specified, all radars in scenario are processed -c means use C format msgs (to be mixed with ATCoach-generated radar) default (RM msgs) is used to replace ATCoach-generated radar -i base sensor index numbers on command line radar list, not adaptation (first radar is 0) }}} example: {{{ user@host:/home/jason/GSGT_WORK/DIL_ZID_20110630_16hr--> srv2rm -d /home/jason/SAR/ZID/RADAR/radar* }}} then rename the resulting rm.txt file to the ATCoach required name for desired scenario, for example: DIL_ZID_20110630_16hr-0_radar.ZID and copy into the exported ATCoach scenario directory)