== SiteShadow (SiteShadow) == The JVN SiteShadow tool executes and manages applications that are needed to sniff live interfacility and surveillance connections while forwarding messages to a “shadowing” system. The applications necessary for this functionality are ifshadow, relayd, and avid. === User Guides === [[http://wiki.jvncomm.com:5321/attachment/wiki/SiteShadow/SiteShadow.pdf | Volume 1: Operation and Maintenance Manual SiteShadow Version 1.1.4 ]] === Releases === TBD === Programs === === Issues === '''Report an Issue with SiteShadow''' [/newticket?component=siteshadow] [query:status=new|assigned|reopened&component=siteshadow Active tickets against SiteShadow] [[br]] Quick List of SiteShadow open tickets [[TicketQuery(status=new|assigned|reopened&component=siteshadow,format=table,col=status|summary|owner|reporter)]]