

eibGenGui newGui Configuration

  • Run eibGenGui from riptide
  • Populate all required fields indicated by yellow backgrounds.
  • Hover over drop downs and text fields for tool tips.
  • Check the Dysim box if you're using Dysim.
  • Check the Simulated TDLS box if you're simulating TDLS.
  • Check EIB Auto Start.


  • You must provide a Local Site Adaptation before you can fill in the R-Pos, D-Pos, etc.
  • Click Generate EIB.
  • Click Setup ZTV Displays
    • Drag and drop positions into the designated displays of your choice. (You need to open the displays according to this setup.)
  • You can save your configuration as a .ini file
  • Close the eibGenGui

Bring Up

*Step 2 assumes you have already configured eibGenGui*

  1. Run eibGenGui from riptide
  2. Load your desired .ini file
  3. Click Generate EIB
  4. Click Setup ZTV Displays
    1. Drag and drop positions into assigned displays, make note of the order. (Positions must be opened in the same order)
  5. The output directory generated needs to be on the STP* and *SDRR* being used (e.g. stp10.ztv and tgfsdrr1)
    1. scp outputDirectory/ from riptide to tb2:~ (cross mounted with STP)
    2. scp outputDirectory/ to SDRR (e.g. tgfsdrr1)
  6. Create a tunnel to SDRR in new tab
    1. ssh to SDRR (e.g. tgfsdrr1)
    2. vncserver -list (check for open ports, if none are open go to step 6c, else go to 6d)
    3. vncserver (creates port if none are open)
    4. exit SDRR
    5. ssh -f -L 59xx:localhost:59xx tgfsdrr1 sleep 10; vncviewer localhost:59xx
      • enter entire command in one line; creates and opens tunnel
      • xx = open port# (e.g. 5909 or 5914)
    6. In the VNC, cd to outputDirectory/sdrr
    7. ./runsdrr
  7. Log in to displays and open the positions according to your set up in step 4a.
  8. ssh STP (e.g. stp10.ztv)
    1. cd to outputDirectory/eib
    2. ./generateEib.ksh
    3. ./runeib
    4. If you did not select "EIB Auto Start" in your eibGenGui configuration, you will be prompted to start it manually.
      1. Type 1 and press enter to send the PSIM
      2. Provide the full path to the ControlFile.txt and press enter (The file should be located in the outputDirectory/eib) -e.g. /home/hoan/VTL/ucrc925/eib/atcoach/ZKC/ControlFile.txt *The file path must not contain any errors*
      3. Type 2 and press enter to send the SSIM. This will start SDRR.
  9. scp outputdirectory/dysim/rundysim into the directory of the scenario you want to run (e.g. on nix1:~/scenarios-datacomm/UCRC-MAIN/)
    1. create tunnel to scenario directory
    2. e.g. ssh -f -L 59xx:localhost:59xx nix1 sleep10; vncviewer localhost:59xx
    3. cd into scenario directory (e.g. scenarios-datacomm/UCRC-MAIN/)
    4. ./rundysim
    5. Click Start on Dysim to begin the scenario.

Bring Down

  1. Close Dysim and SDRR
  2. cd into outputDirectory/eib
    1. ./terminateEIB.ksh
Last modified 7 years ago Last modified on 2017-10-13T09:55:33-04:00