
exportsdrrcfg Export SDRR cfg file

Generate a configuration file for wiki:SDRR (sirds)

tgf1@sdrr4:~$ '''/usr/local/labUtils.1.0.2/bin/exportsdrrcfg --help'''

Usage: /usr/local/labUtils.1.0.2/bin/exportsdrrcfg -a adaptation [option] [output file]
   --terminal               terminal mode
   --txclock="rate"         txclock for Interfacility devices.  default is 0.
   --staticMsgs="file"      dump sensor static msgs into "file"
   --rx                     define ADSB static msgs per RX (default; agrees with static SDRR exports)
   --rs                     define ADSB static msgs per RS
   --chan="chan"            set channel
   --eib                    eib mode; ssrvinj and ipop host will be inserted at runtime
   --hgi                    enables HGI/ECGP mode
   --ecg                    use ECG TCP devices
   --pips="pipa,pipab.."    ECG pip hostnames. for IF in ECG TCP mode, and for CCUs always.  defaults are pipa,pipb or bipa,bipb.
   --pipes                  connect all facilities via pipes (for internal testing)
   --avid                   include AViD info
   --fdnam="file"           use this fdnam file instead of adapted
   --k3="file"              use this k3extadr file instead of adapted
   --sdrrIp="ip"            use interface associated with this IP on TCP servers (Nadin, WMSCR, HGI)
   -S                       use STARS Sim devices for STARS <id>
   -r                       radar only
   -2                       ADSB v2 (default is v3)
   -R                       priority serial radar list (will be assigned to serial devices first)
   -F                       priority serialfacilities (will be assigned to real devices first)
   output file defaults to stdout if not specified

  for Example:
  Generate a sirds configuration file for the EML (ERAM Mini Lab)
 '''/usr/local/labUtils.1.0.0.eng/bin/exportsdrrcfg -a c13aeho0 --hgi --staticMsgs="zhuStaticMsgs.cfg" zhu.cfg'''

  Note: -a c13aeho0 identifies the local release, the national is expected to be available also.


--terminal terminal mode --txclock="rate" txclock for Interfacility devices. default is 0. --staticMsgs="file" dump sensor static msgs into "file" --rx define ADSB static msgs per RX (default; agrees with static SDRR exports) --rs define ADSB static msgs per RS --chan="chan" set channel --eib eib mode; ssrvinj and ipop host will be inserted at runtime --hgi enables HGI/ECGP mode --ecg use ECG TCP devices --pips="pipa,pipab.." ECG pip hostnames. for IF in ECG TCP mode, and for CCUs always. defaults are pipa,pipb or bipa,bipb. --pipes connect all facilities via pipes (for internal testing) --avid include AViD info --fdnam="file" use this fdnam file instead of adapted --k3="file" use this k3extadr file instead of adapted --sdrrIp="ip" use interface associated with this IP on TCP servers (Nadin, WMSCR, HGI) -S use STARS Sim devices for STARS <id> -r radar only -2 ADSB v2 (default is v3) -R priority serial radar list (will be assigned to serial devices first) -F priority serialfacilities (will be assigned to real devices first)

Last modified 8 years ago Last modified on 2015-12-23T13:48:52-05:00